Elbirt Technologies - Software & Consulting Services
Descriptives & Percentiles

General Statistics for Large Data Sets
This program (1.0) was written to take very large sets of data and create descriptives (means, medians, modes, etc.) and percentile distributions.

This was to answer for the limitations on Excel 97/2000, SPSS student version and other programs. Excel 2007 has fixes for row/column limitations; SPSS has more expensive version to handle it; Matlab and SAS are avalable too.

In the end it took a few hours to do what would have cost a few hundred to a few thousand dollars; and I only needed D&P. This program is avialable for those who are in the same boat; or just want to play.

Documentation and PublicationsSoftware Downloads
Documentation is provided in the HELP menu. The download is available (Java application) with the usage information built in as a help menu. You should read about how to expand the memory space used by java if you plan on using larger matrixes as they will have out-of-memory errors. An example data file is also provided so you can see the format.
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